1. The parents who wish to admit their children in our school have to follow the following rules and any further changes which will be made by the management.
2. Students must be regular and punctual. They should reach the school at least 5 minutes before the first bell.
3. The school does not make any conveyance for the students.
4. Granting leave from class for mere social / family functions is highly discouraged.
5. The school will not be responsible for the ward after the school hours.
6. Students suffering from contagious diseases will be refrained from attending class.
7. Parents or any other visitors are strictly forbidden to meet the staff and students in school hours without the permissions of the Principal.
8. Original Birth Certificate (Municipality or Panchayat) will be kept in the school along with the admission form. It shall not be returned back to the students.
9. No provisional admission shall be given to K.G. students without the original Birth Certificate.
10. All students must abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Ignorance of the rule shall not be an excuse.
11. Answer papers of annual examination shall not be shown.
12. Report cards have to be returned to the class teacher duly signed by the parents or guardians within stipulated time.
13. Any damage of the school property / articles will be compensated by the defaulter.
14. Any misconduct / behavior by the student will justify dismissal from school.
15. The school is not responsible for the items / articles that are lost. Similarly the watchman is not responsible for the vehicles kept out of his sight or kept unlocked.