St. Arnold's English Medium High School,

"To transform our World into a Just,
Equitable and a Harmonious place where God reigns"

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Formation of the Character, mind and heart of the child

St. Arnold's English Medium High School,

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Events & News Vision and Mission

Forthcoming Events

Forthcoming Events for Academic Session 2021-22

Exhibition on the theme "BEST OUT OF WASTE" Click here for the Deails



Exhibition on the theme "BEST OUT OF WASTE" on 22nd December 2021 Click here for the Deails


Our Vision

"To transform our World into a Just, Equitable and a Harmonious place where God reigns".

Our Mission

Integral development of the child, imparting the noble values of physical, social, intellectual, moral and spiritual growth adjusted to each child's capacity and speed to absorb and integrate them.

Video Tour St. Arnold's English Medium High School, Meghnagar

St. Arnold's English Medium High School, Meghnagar "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. " - The Holy Bible

The School is named after St. Arnold Janssen (1837-1909) who was a great educationist and philanthropist. He is the founder of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), whose members are involved in Education, Social Welfare, Medical care and Spiritual development of the humankind all over the world. They are a team of dedicated Christians belonging to the Roman Catholic Church witnessing to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The School is run and managed by the St. Arnold's Education Society, Regd.